Bad Guy Ozm (Original Version)

     A worse picture of Ozm does not exist. This crap when I drew it and its crap now. Let me list it's problems:

  1. His face looks hideous

  2. His hair resembles mashed potatoes

  3. He is sneaking - Ozm doesn't sneak

  4. I have no idea why I added a zigzag to the linings of his gloves, boots and cape

  5. His normal thick jacket looks like its made our of a table cloth

  6. His staff looks distorted and misshapen

  7. His dagger has a pointless rod sticking out parallel to the blade

  8. His dagger looks like a knife (This isn't really a problem but its supposed to be a dagger)

  9. His right leg looks awkward

  10. The picture is unbalanced; if there is shading on one place it should be consistent with the rest of the picture.

  11. The ears look stupid as usual

  12. Ozm's head looks too small

  13. His collar stretches to far back

  14. His neck isn't the same color as his skin

  15. ....OK, I can't think of anything else

     You might wonder why I've kept this picture since I dislike it so much. I will tell you why.

     I don't believe in the destruction of artwork regardless of quality. I find that there are many things to learn from our mistakes. I have several binders filled with artwork.

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